Marysville Transportation Plan
2024 Update
What is our plan for the future of transportation in Marysville?
How can we make it happen?
The Marysville Transportation Plan (known as the “Transportation Element”) represents the 20-year vision for the City’s transportation system, and how to make it happen. The Transportation Element is a section of the City’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan, which State law requires to be updated on a regular basis.
Marysville’s transportation system includes facilities for a wide range of users and travel choices. The City will continue to address vehicle congestion and safety with planned improvement projects. Other projects include improved connectivity and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit patrons.

Online Open House
The online Open House period had ended. We are currently answering all questions received and will post the results here when they are ready.
Please check back for an update soon!

There are several factors taken into consideration when updating a 20-year plan such as the Transportation Element. The general process includes the following steps:
Evaluate the existing transportation system conditions and any current issues.
Build a travel model to help forecast and evaluate future needs.
Define and/or update project improvements. (We are here!)
Finalize future plan.
Other Considerations
Emerging trends in the transportation market are also taken into consideration, such as equity/health/safety of roadway users, the emergence of autonomous, connected, electric, and shared vehicles (known as ACES), telework/telehealth/e-commerce/e-learning, and climate change.
Community Input
The planning process also provides opportunities for the public to give input. The first opportunity was an online transportation survey that ran for the month of October 2023. The survey was publicized through numerous channels including a press release, and a citywide newsletter. Results of the survey are summarized here. We also held an online Open Hou
What progress has been made?
The last update was done in 2015. Many improvements have been made in the last 10 years, including the following transportation projects:
Downtown Bypass
172nd Street Corridor
116th Street/I-5 Interchange
State Avenue Widening
Sidewalk and Trail Connections
And new or improved areas of the City including:
City Center/ Downtown improvements
Whiskey Ridge
Cascade Industrial Center/Smokey Point Master Plan
How do we forecast future travel patterns?
In order to create a future travel model (as represented in the year 2044), we consider the following factors:
In the past 10 years, traffic has continued to increase annually by 1-3%
The expected land-use growth in the City of Marysville that will affect things like residential homes, businesses, employment, etc.
Who are we planning for?
The Transportation Plan considers the mobility needs for ALL users, including pedestrians, bicycles, transit riders, commercial and freight vehicles, and both single driver and carpool vehicles.
What factors help
to determine the project list?
In order to identify the priority projects that are shown on the interactive map included here, the following factors were considered:
Intersections or roadways with high traffic congestion
Areas with gaps in our sidewalk and trail network on key roadways
Areas with gaps in our bicycle system
Where could we help improve access to the transit system?
Developing areas of the city that needed new roadways
Feedback from the community.
The City monitors transportation conditions and will seek funding sources and City budget funds to maintain the transportation standards adopted by the Transportation Element.